If you are like me then you probably have plans to try to visit another country some time in your life. I really want to visit many different countries in the future. And if you have those plans, or at least you have the idea in your head then this may be helpful. It's just something that is nice to know and you could always impress your friends, or a date, with the amount of ways you can say hello. Of course there are all the ways we know in English, "Hello", "Hi", and even "Hey", but there are so many other ways to say hello to someone. Plus, some of these could be helpful to you if you meet someone visiting from another country. The first word will be hello in the different language followed by the relative pronunciation of the word. So here it is.

Hello In 14 Different Languages

1.) Hawaiian- Aloha (ah-loh'-hah)

2.)Thai-Sah-wahd-dee (sah-wah-dee)

3.) Danish- Hej (hi)

4.) French- Bonjour (bohN-zhoohr)

5.) Korean- An Nyeong Ha Se Yo (ahn-young-ha-se-ho)

6.) Italian- Ciap (chou)

7.) Swedish- Halla (hallo)

8.) Chinese (Mandarin)- Ni Hao (nee-haoww)

9.) Spanish- Hola (o-lah)

10.) Polish- Czesc (cheshch)

11.) Finnish- Terve (taer-ve)

12.) German- Guten Tag (goot-en tak)

13.) Japanese- Konnichiwa (kon-nee-chee-wah)

14.) Irish- Dia Duit (djee-ah gwitch)

For many of these languages there are other ways to say hello, either in formal or informal manors, as well as a different word to say hello in the phone. These are simply the most common ways for say hello.

This is a list that you can use not only just to know something new but also as a new fun way to say hello to people. Now you don't have to stick with the same old ways of saying hello you can say it in many other languages as well.

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