Last week, actor Will Ferrell and Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith exchanged a couple jokey videos that acknowledged that, after years of speculation, they are indeed the same person. It all ended with Smith challenging Ferrell to a drum contest. “Drum battle, me and you," he wrote. "I’ve seen your skills, you don’t got ‘em. Let’s go. Golden cowbell — winner.”

It turns out that the pair will actually be squaring off with drumsticks, kits and whatever else they have around -- oh, God, please let there be cowbells involved -- in an honest-to-goodness drum battle. During Smith's recent Reddit AMA, Ferrell chimed in.

"I saw your video, and I graciously accept your invitation to a drum battle," Ferrell said. "If we can raise $300,000 for Cancer for College I will face off with you in the greatest drum vs. cowbell showdown the world has ever seen. We can do it onstage at a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert or in front of a mutually convenient public library. Your call."

Earlier in the AMA, Smith fired the first shots at Farrell, calling him a "delusional imposter." "It seems to me that he has gone off his meds and he needs to seek professional help, because I am obviously more talented and handsome than he is," Smith wrote. You know, his cowbell work is well-documented, but his drum-set skills are nominal based on 'Step Brothers.' Other than wiping his testicles on the drums, which of course I give high marks to."

So it looks like this is really happening, even though no details have been set yet. But this thing has gotten to the point where neither side can back down without looking like a total d---. Especially since it will be for charity. We're guessing we haven't heard the end of this or of cowbell jokes. Or testicle jokes, for that matter.

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