And we have serious sympathy for the people have do have these jobs.

Amarillo has pretty terrible summers. It's really dry, really windy, and really, REALLY hot. Last week, temperatures in Amarillo were only a few degrees lower than temperatures in Phoenix, typically one of the hottest places in the U.S.

Unfortunately, most jobs don't get a summer break, so plenty of people are stuck out in the unbearable heat in June and July. There are also tons of seasonal jobs for the summer for teachers and students who need some extra cash.

Here are some of the worst jobs to have in Amarillo during the summer.

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    Yard Maintenance

    Spending hours mowing lawns, trimming trees, and weed-eating in the hundred-degree weather sounds like a nightmare. But summer is the time of year when lawns need to be mowed every week, so yard maintenance companies are especially busy... and especially miserable.

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    Amarillo has its fair share of hail storms during the summer and its not uncommon to see roofing signs in every other yard. But that involves standing on top of a house without any shade while heat radiates all around you... and that just sounds awful.

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    Palo Duro Canyon Park Ranger

    While being a park ranger sounds pretty fun, the summertime has to be kind of miserable. That's when people have heat strokes, get bitten by rattlesnakes, get lost, and, unfortunately, end up in other dangerous situations that can be fatal. It's definitely a hard time of the year to work at the canyon.

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    Children's Sports Coach

    Summertime means kids are out of school and in need of some activity. That's why club soccer, baseball, and basketball are in full swing. But those teams need coaches... which means you'll be standing in the sun for hours, watching kids eat dirt or breaking up cat fights. Fun, right?

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    Road Maintenance

    The Texas heat can cause the asphalt in the roads to melt and create a huge mess. There's also the chance that a summer rain will cause flooding, which can make potholes in the road. Basically, summer is a nightmare for the streets, but more so for the people who have to repair and maintain them.

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