We all know that Breaking Bad was a hit show.  People would talk about it for days.  Well, when a show is doing that great, it usually gets action figures.  A mom in Florida wants them pulled off the shelf. 

Walter White made his career as a drug kingpin and while it made great TV, this mom says keep it away from my kids.  Susan Schrivjer launched a petition earlier this month to have White and the other Breaking Bad action figures removed from Toys R Us shelves.

The action figure comes with a detachable sack of cash and bag of meth.  Schrivjer says that being sold next to children's toys is "a dangerous deviation from their family friendly values."

The petition is gathering more and more support everyday.  As of right now, there are over 7600 signatures.

Schrivjer and her petition are targeting Toys R Us and Toys R Us online, but I actually saw the action figures at Walmart in Lubbock.  They are also selling them online.  I'm not saying that the action figures should be sold next to G.I. Joe, but the toys do say for ages 15 and up.

Here is what Bryan Cranston had to say on Twitter.

Maybe instead of pushing for them to be removed from the store, she should push to have them in a different part of the store.  And as a mom, I would never allow my son to purchase this action figure.  I monitor everything he buys.

I do get where she is coming from, but is this too harsh?  Take our poll and let us know.

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