YouTube star Rob Scallon is no stranger to covering Metallica. The musician has played “Anesthesia” on the upright bass, “Battery” on the banjo and even performed “Enter Sandman” backwards. In his latest video, Scallon has some fun playing the bass parts for every song on Metallica’s album …And Justice For All. A disc you may know, the disc is infamous for its lack of audible bass.

The 25th anniversary of ...And Justice For All was celebrated in 2013 and Loudwire nailed down an exclusive interview with the bassist on the disc, Jason Newsted. He talked about the album, "Historically, it stands up over time. Maybe not the mix, but the songs do,” Newsted also revealed that this isn't the first time someone has emphasized the bass on the album, “The other day … a kid comes up and gives me ‘…And Jason for All.’ He’s remixed the bass tracks back into ‘Justice.’ … He was like, ‘Dude, this is for you, how it was supposed to be.’ I think how it was supposed to be is how it came out and how it made the mark on the world, but cool, bass in it? Thank you.”

In the four and a half minute clip above, Scallon uses an upright bass, different types of electric bass guitars and his hands to create the music. It sounds both quite beautiful and super rocking at times. At the end of the video, Scallon explains that his fans inspired him to create the piece, because he received numerous requests on his social media accounts for the cover. His '…And Justice For Bass' video was the last of his “May-tallica” themed covers. Head here to watch all five of his Metallica inspired videos.

Jason Newsted Reflects on 25th Anniversary of '...And Justice For All'

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