
College Student Faces Trial for Stealing $2 Pumpkin
College Student Faces Trial for Stealing $2 Pumpkin
College Student Faces Trial for Stealing $2 Pumpkin
Theft charges serious enough to warrant a jury trial typically involve stolen goods that are pretty expensive (just ask Lindsay Lohan about that). But you don’t have to steal high-dollar stuff to get in that kind of trouble — in fact, a New Mexico college student is about to go on trial for allegedly forgetting to pay for a $2 pumpkin.
Minnesota Man Steals $25,000 Worth of Tide Detergent
Minnesota Man Steals $25,000 Worth of Tide Detergent
Minnesota Man Steals $25,000 Worth of Tide Detergent
If it’s gotta be clean, it’s gotta be Tide. If it’s gotta be stolen Tide, it’s gotta be Patrick Paul Costanzo. Costanzo systemically stole $25,000 worth of Tide liquid detergent from a St. Paul, Minnesota store over the course of a year. About a week ago, ma ...
Man’s Facebook Date Used as Unwitting Getaway Driver
Man’s Facebook Date Used as Unwitting Getaway Driver
Man’s Facebook Date Used as Unwitting Getaway Driver
Leah Gibbs was so impressed with Adam Minton’s Facebook profile that she agreed to go on a date with the man she knew just through the social networking site. The 23-year-old Australian woman probably realized this wasn’t going to be a traditional date when Minton kicked it off by asking her to drive him to a betting parlor and then wait in the car while he presumably made a wager.
Woman Steals Girl Scout’s Cookie ‘Dough’
Woman Steals Girl Scout’s Cookie ‘Dough’
Woman Steals Girl Scout’s Cookie ‘Dough’
Seven-year-old Girl Scout Vanessa Bergeron learned a hard lesson about life on Sunday night, when a woman stole $92 of her cookie sales money outside a Florida shopping center. When Vanessa's mother Misty approach the perpetrator's car, the thief grabbed the cookie cash and floored it.