Having a job is one of the most essential parts of life.  Without one you don't have money (that is unless you are independently wealthy).  So if you are currently searching for a job.  Then you have an opportunity to find one at the Amarillo Job Fair.

Scott Olson/Getty Images
Scott Olson/Getty Images

The Amarillo Job Fair will be this Tuesday, April 15th at the Amarillo Civic Center South Exhibit Hall, from 10am -4pm.

Over 100 employers will be on site looking for their next potential employee and that could be you.

However, I have a few tips for you if you are planning on attending the Amarillo Job Fair and you hope to secure a job.

Make sure you are dressed for success.

Don't show up in your sweats or your ripped jeans.  Dress as if you are going to a job interview.

Leave the kids at home

I understand sometimes it is hard to find someone to watch your children however you will be in an environment where you just might have to sit down at a booth and have your first interview and you cannot do that with a screaming or bored child.  Treat this like a real job interview.

Be Prepared

You will be filling out a lot of applications.  So make sure you have all the information stored in your head or with you that you might need to successfully fill their application out.  That includes a pen in blue or black ink.  Most of the employers will probably have them ready and waiting for you, just be prepared.  Have your resumes ready and check and recheck that they are perfect without spelling mistakes.  Nine times out of ten if a potential employers sees a misspelling it is in the trash.

Know What You are Wanting to Do

You will encounter many different businesses, if you are not qualified for that particular business don't waste their time.

Put on Your Game Face

This will be your first meeting with your potential employer and first impressions are everything, so make sure you are ready to go out there and secure a job.  You are the loudspeaker for you. Show initiative.

Do Your Research and Ask Questions

Knowledge is power and the more you know about a business the better.  Most job fairs have a list of potential employers so do your research.  When you ask questions about the company you show your interest in their business.

Don't Get Discouraged

You may or may not walk out of there with a job or even a job interview, but keep in mind they still may need to go through a reviewing process after the job fair and you just might get a call in a few days for a interview.

Make Sure Your Personal Information is Up to Date.

If you have a phone number on your resume or you put one on the application, it is up to you to make sure the phone is on and functioning.  Also don't include crazy email addresses on your applications and/or resumes.  Your future boss probably won't find, brent_is_a_stud@email.com very promising.  He won't care that you are a stud and probably won't hire you just because of your email.

Be Professional Above All

Dress, actions, preparedness all goes together.  Please watch your mouth (no cuss words here) when you are walking around.  These potential employers have ears and you would be amazed at how well they work.

Don't Forget to Say Thank You

Just a simple thank you for your time goes a long way.

For more information on the Amarillo Job Fair, visit Workforce Solutions.

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